SHAPE. The Social Partners as shapers and makers of Social Europe: discovering foundations and futures

The SHAPE project co-funded by the European Commission through innovative analysis, creation and evaluation of archives and multidisciplinary academic research on industrial relations and social dialogue will explore the foundations of social Europe with the aim of of understanding what roles the social partners should play in meeting current challenges, particularly the green, digital and demographic transitions. In the course of the project, experts will produce academic analyses and practice-oriented reports, as well as proposals for updating the Treaties EU.

European University Institute (EUI) 

University of Amsterdam (UVA), Netherlands
University Catholique de Louvain, European Social Observatory (OSE), European Movement International (EMI), European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC),  European Trade Union Institute (ETUI),  SGI Europe, Belgio
SindNova, Fondazione Giuseppe Di Vittorio, Italia
Association Jean Monnet (AJM), Francia 

SHAPE is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Brussels, 17 January 2024 - Kick off meeting

ASPE GROUP ( Academic and social partners’ experts) - WP4