The EWC, European Works Council, is a transnational representative body through which workers and their representatives can exercise their rights to information, consultation and participation in multinational companies.
SindNova has acquired, over the years, a significant
knowledge and expertise in the EWC establishment and monitoring process. The institute annually organizes training courses for EWC members aimed at strengthening knowledge that is transversal and functional to roles and at acquiring skills and tools useful for reading company changes.

Information materials

The directive of the European Parliament

directive 2009/38/CE (recast directive 1994/45/CE)


Consult the files n. 1 -3-5-6 of The Essential Library

The European Social Dialogue

This book traces the history of social dialogue, from its origins to its autonomy, based on the testimonies of those who were responsible for its design and development....

Final Report BASE project

The volution of information and consultation processes: how to deal it? 


Financial and non-financial reports as tools for involving employees in company decisions

Eurofound report

Challenges and solutions: Case studies on European Works Councils 
The paper examines the implementation of the EWC Directive in companies of different sizes and in different sectors in 8 European countries. It explores the challenges faced by EWCs and provides examples of solutions and critical issues from the perspective of both workers and management. SindNova participated in the case study analysis for Italy by examining a multinational company in the food sector