MEET. Towards a green and just transition of the metal sector: improving EWCs’ members involvement in multinational companies

The MEET co-funded by European Commission and coordinate by Sindnova aims to promote the exchange and the wider dissemination of knowledge and good practices and to initiate actions aimed at supporting the establishment and good functioning of European works councils.The aim is to strength the competencies of EWCs members / workers representatives by the exercise of information, consultation and participation rights to make them capable of providing responses to new needs related to sustainability and transition.

Notably, effective social dialogue and democratic participation over on sustainable development, circular economy and energy saving in the workplace can only be achieved if EWCs members / workers’ representatives in different countries are adequately trained and get a deep knowledge of the national and European legislation in this field as well as the best practices performed by social partners at the national and transnational level. Information and training activities are thus prerequisites to harness the potential of sustainable development, circular economy and energy saving in workplaces and spur a more proactive attitude by labour representation on the matter.

This project will involve Multinational companies operating in metal sector, trade unions of metalworkers, EWCs’ members, and Research Institutes in different EU Member States and Candidate Countries: Italy, Spain, Hungary and Turkey.

The project MEET foreseen 4 events: a Workshop; a Round table; a Training Course; a European Conference

The transnational dimension of the project MEET is guaranteed by the transnational composition of the consortium:

Coordinator: SINDNOVA

Beneficiaries: FIM-CISL (Italy), Fundación 1º de Mayo (Spain), TÜRK METAL SENDIKASI (Turkey), and VASAS (MET) Hungarian Metalworkers' Federation (Hungary).

Associate organizations: IndustriAll Europe, CC OO Industria.

MEET is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.