BASE. From Basic knowledge to Advanced Skills for European Works Councils’ members and HR and Industrial Relations specialists.

The project co-funded by the European Union (n.101052219) coordinated by SindNova, in partnership with FIM-CISL, FEMCA-CISL, Fundacion 1 de Mayo, FCIW PODKREPA, UPEE, FTUM, BCM, IndustriAll Europe and CC.OO. has the objective of providing specific skills and key information on current legislation on information and consultation rights, to ensure the full involvement of workers in companies. It is important to equip workers with the right knowledge and skills that allow them to conduct, through their representatives, a fruitful dialogue with the representatives of multinational companies. Workers' rights to information and consultation are fundamental European social rights that help resolve conflicts, create more collaborative atmospheres in the workplace and even increase company competitiveness. These rights ensure that workers and their representatives are directly involved in business decisions before they are made. As such, trade unions and workers' representatives, including at company level, need to be equipped with the knowledge and skills to understand and anticipate upcoming changes and maintain an ongoing dialogue with management.

The project will start from a comparative analysis, in the four countries involved (Italy, Spain, Bulgaria and North Macedonia), of the national systems of Industrial Relations and their predisposition towards an efficient method of involving workers in companies. Three training courses will follow in Madrid, Sofia and Skopje aimed at workers, employer representatives, EWC members and HR and IR managers. During the final Conference in Rome which will have the objective of establishing a common basis for a fruitful debate and exchange of experiences between stakeholders and actors, the Final Report will be presented.

BASE is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Rome 23 February 2024
Final Conference

22-23 March 2023
1st Training course 

7-8 June, Sofia
2nd Training course

21-22 September, Skopje
3rd Training course