SindNova is a recognized non-profit association that has been involved in studies, training and information for forty years with the aim of deepening and promoting the culture and tools of worker participation in companies. 

 Industrial relations, working conditions, European Works Councils, the protection of workers' health and safety and sustainable development are the main areas of competence of the Institute.

On these topics SindNova promotes and organizes in Europe comparison initiatives and high-profile national and international study and training projects.


5th Euro-Mediterranean Permanent Conference of Metalworkers' Unions
Istanbul 14-16 October 2024

Trade unions Türk Metal Sendikası, Fim Cisl, FGMM CFDT, FICA UGT, USO Industria and SindNova, organizers of the 5th Euro-Mediterranean Permanent Conference of Metalworkers' Unions reiterated in the final declaration the need for a people-centered approach to seize the opportunities and address the risks in the world of work. Together with the unions attending the conference, from 13 countries and 15 institutions, they strongly call for transitions that are impacting the world of work to be managed through social dialogue and used to increase the quality of work for all.

European Works Councils Europei

The EWC, European Works Council, is a transnational representative body through which workers and their representatives can exercise their rights to information, consultation and participation in multinational companies.
SindNova has acquired, over the years, a significant
knowledge and expertise in the EWC establishment and monitoring process. The institute annually organizes training courses for EWC members aimed at strengthening knowledge that is transversal and functional to roles and at acquiring skills and tools useful for reading company changes.
  • Consulting
  • Training 
  • Legal assistance 
  • Support


 Research and study

The research and study activity moves along four main lines of study:
- The industrial scenarios, the competitiveness and the processes of technological and organizational innovation of companies.
- Information and consultation rights and participation of workers in companies, both in the local and transnational dimension
-  The health and safety of workers, the dissemination of good prevention practices and safety management systems
- Corporate social responsibility, sustainable development,
environmental defense.

Continuous training

The SindNova training courses have as a priority objective that of strengthening the skills of the workers, the "know-how" aimed at supporting the dialogue on central issues for company development. The Sindnova staff "co-designs" and contextualizes the training course following a specific analysis of the company situation.

Organisation coaching

Organizational coaching is coaching for the organization, not for the individual. The organization uses the coach to address a critical issue, initiate a change or achieve specific results. The analysis of the cultural context is a fundamental requirement for achieving the intended objectives.

European Projects

TURN project "Addressing industrial relations towards circular economy in metal, chemical, textile, energy and construction sectors"

At a time when sustainability has become a global priority global, the European TURN project aims to explore the action and reaction of the countries involved toward the transition to the circular economy model in the sectors of chemical, textile, energy, engineering and construction sectors.

The main goal of TURN is clear: to improve and adapt the production systems of these sectors in line with the European action plan for the circular transition. This means moving away from the linear model of "take, produce, discard" and embracing a circular approach that makes the most of existing resources, minimizing minimizing waste and environmental impact.

Raising workers' awareness that the system of

production system of which they are a part respects nature and the environment is crucial to ensuring the success of the transition. In addition, providing them with skills and tools to dialogue with the company on this goal is essential to ensure a harmonious and inclusive transition.

Through community-level analysis and research, as well as in comparative terms, the project will identify convergences and differences in the response of industrial relations systems in the EU, its its member states and in the candidate countries. This will enable the development of approaches and strategies tailored to each context, ensuring a footprint local and global at the same time.

MEET project "Towards a green and just transition of the metal sector: improving EWCs’ members involvement in
multinational companies"

In the context of today's labor scenario, in which worker participation and voice are key elements for effective and sustainable business management, the European MEET project aims to create an opportunity for discussion, in-depth analysis and training on issues of crucial importance to operators and stakeholders in the engineering sector.

The MEET project intends to export, share and improve, the positive experiences made, from the national to the European level, to gather good practices of similar initiatives on the issues of sustainable development, circular economy and energy saving, in order to create a synoptic synthesis framework that brings out the significant features of the role of the EWC member and workers' representatives in the face of these issues.

Central to the initiative is the goal of formulating concrete proposals for strengthening workers' rights to information, consultation and participation, actively involving actors at different levels, from the company level to the national and European levels.

SHAPE project  "The Social Partners as shapers and makers of Social Europe: discovering foundations and futures"

The social partners have always played roles in shaping and making European Union (EU) law and policy. Yet those roles have varied importantly over time depending on the politics in Europe’s capitals and EU institutions as well as the changing structural challenges faced by European societies.

This project will offer a new understanding of the social partners’ shaping and making of Social Europe: building from milestone foundations to consider possible futures.

Reconstructing EU history to understand better the past and to assess if the fundamental law and policy roles accorded to the social partners in the EU fit with the current social and labour-related challenges facing the EU, and to advance proposals that prepare and adapt the relevant EU acquis to the fast-changing nature of work.

The Essential Library

European Union
Dossier 1

Eropean Trade Unionism
Dossier 2
European Works Councils (EWC)
Dossier 3

Translational company agreements (TCAs)
Dossier 4

Multinational corporation financial statements: what are they and how to read them
Dossier 5

The evolution of occupational health and safety issues in Europe
Dossier 6
The EWC experience of information confidentiality
Dossier 7
What is sustainable development
Dossier 8
Economic sustainability
Dossier 9